Are you a game developer interested in learning more about how localization works?
No, I’m not selling you my services (I have a full-time job), but I have written these articles for the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) all about the subject.
How Long Will It Take to Localize My Game? – Localization Scheduling
When should you localize your game? How long will it take? What do I need to consider when planning my game’s localization?
“I want to start with a caveat that every project is different which means how long it takes will vary. As such, everything from here on out should be taken with a grain of salt and a heavy load of critical thinking for how things might impact your game’s schedule.”
High Quality Localization? Help Loc Help You!
This article covers thing you (the developer) can do to get the best quality game writing in other languages for your game.
“Too long, didn’t read, the more context and background information you can provide your localization team, the smoother the localization will go and the better it will be!”
How to Get the Most from LQA – What It Is and Best Practices
The ultimate guide to LQA! The behind-the-scenes details on what LQA is, and tips and tricks to get the best localization test for your game.
“LQA stands for localization/linguistic quality assurance. Simply put, it’s when native speakers of a language check the localized text in its in-game context. Not so simply put…well, you’ll have to read on.”
Too Many Cooks – Your Game Localization and Community Translation
An article all about the risks of cutting costs with community translators.
“Localization for video games (like any part of video game development) is strongly tied to the magical triangle of triple constraint: cost/time/quality.
If you want a localization to be done cheap you have to sacrifice time (it takes a long time) or quality (you get what you pay for!)”